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Review of Rio Gula Batu Tea from Pasuruan which is sweet and nutritious.

 Rio rock sugar tea is a tea drink with rock sugar produced by PT Mitra Alam Segar in Pasuruan, Indonesia. Rio tea rock sugar has a halal certificate number from MUI which shows that Rio tea products have been produced by Islamic law.

  Rio Rock Sugar Tea also has a distribution permit from BPOM RI with number 268313039040, which shows that the production of Rio tea rock sugar tea complies with the health regulations force in the Republic of Indonesia.

With a volume of 180 ml, Rio Tea Rock sugar contains the following : 0 grams of total fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 15 grams of total carbohydrates, and 14 grams of sugar. The composition of Rio Tea Rock sugar tea is sugar water, calcium sorbate preservative, synthetic flavors, tea extractives, acidity regulator, antioxidant sodium ascorbate, and rock sugar.

There is a recommendation to store Rio rock sugar tea in a cool, clean and dry place and avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Before buying, first look at the expiry date of the packaging on the back of the packaging. The packaging I bought had an expiry date on July 17, 2024, we bought it at the end of 2023.

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