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40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh kalimat aktif pasif dengan tenses yang lain, misal dari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple present kemudian ingin mempelajari contoh kalimat aktif pasif simple past, maka bisa melihat pada “Daftar Contoh Kalimat Aktif Pasif Bahasa Inggris" di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

Bagaimana Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

Memahami kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect Continuous tense akan sangat berguna bagi kita untuk berbiara dan bekerja dengan menggunakan Bahasa inggris, Adapun rumus kalimat aktif Future Perfect Continuous adalah Subject + will + have + been + Verb-Ing + Object, seperti kalimat You will have been listening your music.

Sedangkan rumus kalimat passive voice Future Perfect Continuous adalah Object + will + have + been + being + Verb 3 + by + Subject, contoh kalimatnya seperti Your music will have been being listened by You. Sehingga bisa difahami subject yang ada pada kalimat aktif dirubah posisinya menjadi di belakang, sementara object ditaruh di depan.

40 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Gambar 1.0. Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect Continuous tense, dengan perincian 20 contoh kalimat aktif Future Perfect Continuous dan 20 contoh kalimat pasif Future Perfect Continuous.  



Kalimat Aktif

Kalimat Pasif
They will have been cleaning this yard by the end of this month.    
This yard will have been being cleaned by them by the end of this month.   
Zainal will have been reading a book in the library for 5 hours.   
A book will have been being read by Zainal in the library for 5 hours.   
You will have been planting the coconut by the end of this week.    
The coconut will have been being planted by you by the end of this week.   
Mr. Ahmad will have been writing lessons for students.   
Lessons will have been being written by Mr. Ahmad for students.   
Mr. Murliadi will have been saying something to me.    
Something will have been being said by Mr. Murliadi to me.   
They will have been helping my child next month.   
My child will have been being helped by them next month.   
Sabrina will have been postponing me for 2 hours.   
I will have been being postponed by Sabrina for 2 hours.   
She will have been designing my motor.   
My motor will have been being designed by her.   
We will have been visiting your father.   
Your father will have been being visited by us.   
Abdullah will have been drawing this scenery in his book.   
This scenery will have been being drawn by Abdullah in his book.   
They will have been buying a cow by the end of this month.   
A cow will have been being bought by them by the end of this month.   
Tommy will have been creating a map.   
A Map will have been being created by Tommy.   
Tiara will have been cheating her teacher.   
Her teacher will have been being cheated by Tiara.   
You will have been chatting about her problem.   
Her problem will have been being chatted about by You.   
I will have been checking your house.   
Your house will have been being checked by me.   
Mr. Benjamin will have been repairing your laptop.   
Your laptop will have been being repaired by Mr.Benjamin.   
Marya will have been copying a letter.   
A letter will have been being copied by Marya.   
They will have been blaming your country.   
Your country will have been being blamed by them.   
Mr. Tommy will have been cooking a noodle.   
A noodle will have been being cooked by Mr. Tommy.   
Zaid will have been singing this song at 7 o'clock tomorrow.   
This song will have been being sung by Zaid at 7 o'clock tomorrow.   

Setelah anda melihat contoh perubahan kalimat aktif dan pasif pada Future Perfect Continuous diatas, berikut adalah 40 contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif Future Perfect Continuous beserta artinya

  1. (Kalimat Aktif) They will have been cleaning this yard by the end of this month artinya Mereka akan telah membersihkan halaman ini pada akhir bulan ini.
  2. (Kalimat Pasif) This yard will have been being cleaned by them by the end of this month artinya Halaman ini akan dibersihkan oleh mereka pada akhir bulan ini.
  3. (Kalimat Aktif) Zainal will have been reading a book in the library for 5 hours artinya Zainal akan telah membaca buku di perpustakaan selama 5 jam.
  4. (Kalimat Pasif) A book will have been being read by Zainal in the library for 5 hours artinya Sebuah buku akan dibaca oleh Zainal di perpustakaan selama 5 jam.
  5. (Kalimat Aktif) You will have been planting the coconut by the end of this week artinya Anda akan menanam kelapa pada akhir minggu ini.
  6. (Kalimat Pasif) The coconut will have been being planted by you by the end of this week artinya Kelapa akan sudah ditanam oleh Anda pada akhir minggu ini.
  7. (Kalimat Aktif) Mr. Ahmad will have been writing lessons for students artinya Pak Ahmad akan menulis pelajaran untuk siswa.
  8. (Kalimat Pasif) Lessons will have been being written by Mr. Ahmad for students artinya Pelajaran akan ditulis oleh Pak Ahmad untuk siswa.
  9. (Kalimat Aktif) Mr. Murliadi will have been saying something to me artinya Pak Murliadi akan mengatakan sesuatu kepada saya. 
  10. (Kalimat Pasif) Something will have been being said by Mr. Murliadi to me artinya Sesuatu akan dikatakan oleh Pak Murliadi kepada saya.
  11. (Kalimat Aktif) They will have been helping my child next month artinya Mereka akan telah membantu anak saya bulan depan.
  12. (Kalimat Pasif) My child will have been being helped by them next month artinya Anak saya akan dibantu oleh mereka bulan depan.
  13. (Kalimat Aktif) Sabrina will have been postponing me for 2 hours artinya Sabrina akan menunda saya selama 2 jam.
  14. (Kalimat Pasif) I will have been being postponed by Sabrina for 2 hours artinya Saya akan ditunda oleh Sabrina selama 2 jam.
  15. (Kalimat Aktif) She will have been designing my motor artinya Dia akan merancang motor saya.
  16. (Kalimat Pasif) My motor will have been being designed by her artinya Motor saya akan dirancang olehnya.
  17. (Kalimat Aktif) We will have been visiting your father artinya Kami akan mengunjungi ayahmu.
  18. (Kalimat Pasif) Your father will have been being visited by us artinya Ayahmu akan telah dikunjungi oleh kami.
  19. (Kalimat Aktif) Tommy will have been creating a map artinya Tommy akan membuat peta.
  20. (Kalimat Pasif) A Map will have been being created by Tommy artinya Peta akan dibuat oleh Tommy.
  21. (Kalimat Aktif) Tiara will have been cheating her teacher artinya Tiara akan telah menipu gurunya.
  22. (Kalimat Pasif) Her teacher will have been being cheated by Tiara artinya Gurunya akan ditipu oleh Tiara.
  23. (Kalimat Aktif) You will have been chatting about her problem artinya Anda akan mengobrol tentang masalahnya.
  24. (Kalimat Pasif) Her problem will have been being chatted about by You artinya Masalahnya akan dibicarakan oleh Anda.
  25. (Kalimat Aktif) I will have been checking your house artinya Saya akan telah memeriksa rumah Anda.
  26. (Kalimat Pasif) Your house will have been being checked by me artinya Rumahmu akan diperiksa olehku.
  27. (Kalimat Aktif) Mr. Benjamin will have been repairing your laptop artinya Tuan Benjamin pasti sedang memperbaiki laptop Anda.
  28. (Kalimat Pasif) Your laptop will have been being repaired by Mr.Benjamin artinya Laptop Anda akan sedang diperbaiki oleh Mr.Benjamin.
  29. (Kalimat Aktif) Marya will have been copying a letter artinya Marya akan menyalin surat.
  30. (Kalimat Pasif) A letter will have been being copied by Marya artinya Sebuah surat akan disalin oleh Marya.
  31. (Kalimat Aktif) They will have been blaming your country artinya Mereka akan menyalahkan negara Anda.
  32. (Kalimat Pasif) Your country will have been being blamed by them artinya Negara Anda akan disalahkan oleh mereka.
  33. (Kalimat Aktif) Mr. Tommy will have been cooking a noodle artinya Pak Tommy akan sedang memasak mie.
  34. (Kalimat Pasif) A noodle will have been being cooked by Mr. Tommy artinya Mie akan dimasak oleh Pak Tommy.
  35. (Kalimat Aktif) Abdullah will have been drawing this scenery in his book artinya Abdullah akan menggambar pemandangan ini dalam bukunya.
  36. (Kalimat Pasif) This scenery will have been being drawn by Abdullah in his book artinya Pemandangan ini akan digambar oleh Abdullah dalam bukunya.
  37. (Kalimat Aktif) They will have been buying a cow by the end of this month artinya Mereka akan telah membeli sapi pada akhir bulan ini.
  38. (Kalimat Pasif) A cow will have been being bought by them by the end of this month artinya Seekor sapi akan dibeli oleh mereka pada akhir bulan ini.
  39. (Kalimat Aktif) Zaid will have been singing this song at 7 o'clock tomorrow artinya Zaid akan sudah menyanyikan lagu ini pada jam 7 besok.
  40. (Kalimat Pasif) This song will have been being sung by Zaid at 7 o'clock tomorrow artinya Lagu ini akan sudah dinyanyikan oleh Zaid pada jam 7 besok.

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