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What is the sound of the promise of independence given by Japan to Indonesia?

 What is the sound of the promise of independence given by Japan to Indonesia?

At the end of 1944, Japan had experienced many defeats against Allied forces in the Second World War. Because of this, Japan wanted to continue in power by seeking support from the countries it colonized, including Indonesia.

One of the ways that Japan used to gain support was to give the promise of independence to the Indonesian state which was given by Prime Minister Koiso and is known as the September Promise.

The following is the sound of Japan's promise to grant independence to Indonesia, namely "the East Indies will be liberated in the future." The phrase East Indies refers to Indonesia and there is no clear deadline for independence.

It was only written about later, but on March 1 1945 it was announced the formation of an investigative body for efforts to prepare for independence (BPUPK), or in Japanese it was called Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai.

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