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Experience of Buying Mixue Ice Cream in Pare Kediri

 What was your experience buying Mixue Ice Cream in Pare?

On March 11, 2024, we are looking for a location of Mixue ice cream shop in the area around Pare, Kediri Regency. According to the map on Google Maps, there is a mixue ice cream shop in Pare which is located near Pare City Square.

However, before the An-Nur Pare Mosque intersection, it turned out that there was also a Mixue ice cream shop so we didn't go to the ice cream seller near the Pare Kediri square. You can see in the Mixue Pare outlet window that there are several employees serving customers who order ice cream there.

We ordered three Mixue Pare ice creams to be consumed there, namely Strawberry Lucky Sundae for IDR 16,000,-, Strawberry Mi-Shake for IDR 16,000,- and Chocolate Lucky Sundae for IDR 16,000,-, There are also many seats provided, and the location is clean and spacious, making us feel at home there for a long time. There was music playing but it didn't bother us who were communicating in it.

Price of Mixue Ice Cream in Pare Kediri

How much does Mixue ice cream sell in Pare Kediri?

You can see the price of Mixue ice cream in Pare in the picture displayed on the wall of Mixue Pare, where ice cream at this place is sold from IDR 7,000 to IDR 16,000, - depending on the type of ice cream you order.

Price of Mixue Ice Cream at Wall Mixue Pare Kediri

You can make payments using QRIS, ATM debit, or make payments in cash. We make payments via QRIS because it's easier and just scan the barcode provided by the seller.

How do Google visitors review the Mixue Ice Cream Shop in Pare?

Below are some reviews given by visitors to Mixue Ice Cream Pare on Google Maps:

Diana wrote:

Wow... mixue pare is a nice place to hang out and chat, the place is spacious and clean, the parking is also spacious, the service is fast, and the staff is also friendly.

Indah Putri wrote:

When I got 1 thousand back I wasn't given money but I was given a 2 thousand voucher, I asked if there was any change, and he said, it's not a matter of the nominal amount of money being more than the change, if you give me back money, it's money, if I go there again, if not, it's a waste, it's the same as I was given paper change, I'm thinking, is this a marketing trick? if it's true!!! It was a bad marketing trick.

The point is this, if you sell, you have to be ready with everything, including change money.

Hanif Fathoni wrote:

The place is fun and Instagrammable…. The queue is not too long

Setya Wahyu wrote:

What's so great, sir, employees?

When customers eat they look at it, which takes a long time, it's the same as smiling at me alone.

uncomfortable to me.

Even though I like the ice cream, I don't respect the employees. If you want to come here, think again.

There was no attitude at all, I thought it was impolite to continue watching people eating ice cream alone, his attitude was bad.

If the intention is to joke, it's not like that, sir, I swear it's not funny His action disturbs the customer's comfort.

Please, Mr. HRD or manager or superior of Mixue Pare 2 or anyone else, improve the quality of employees like this!

This is the first time I've made a bad review because I've never seen an employee like this before.

Experience of Buying Mixue Ice Cream in Pare Kediri

How to get to the Mixue ice cream kiosk in Pare?

You can go to mixue ice cream in Pare in the direction of the road to the Pare Great Mosque from the Pare Regional Hospital intersection, the location is on the right side of the road facing the Pare gacoan noodles.

For those of you who have just arrived in Kediri, you can use the map on Google Maps to help you arrive at the exact location of the Mixue shop. as seen on the Google Maps map below, thank you for visiting to read. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below. We also accept your contribution to building the Khoiri.com website via the donation link above.

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