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Three Ways To Make Toddlers Eat Voraciously

To make your toddler eat voraciously you can do it in several ways, here are three ways to make toddlers eat voraciously

  1. Give him his favorite food
  2. Invite him to play
  3. Invite him to watch television

The explanation is as follows :

When you buy your child's favorite food, the toddler will think that you love him for giving him food that he likes even though the food may be less nutritious in your eyes, such as noodles or crackers. If your child only wants to eat what he likes, then give these foods throughout the meal are not dangerous or contain too many preservatives, consuming foods that have too many preservatives is not good for the health

Some toddlers can only eat when they are invited to play, such as playing with their toys or we take them for a walk, you have certainly seen some new children wanting to eat when they have been invited around their area by their parents, there is one method you can do with your child. although it seems more troublesome than the first and second methods, namely inviting him to watch television

Some toddlers can only eat when asked to watch television, like my child, I invite him to watch television so he can sit down and want to eat, although usually, he can choke when he eats until he watches television. If he is getting older, you can teach your child to eat at the dinner table without watching television.

That's how to make toddlers eat voraciously. If you have questions, please write them in the comments column below

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