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21 Example sentences with the word ladder and Its Definition

What does the word ladder mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in adjective form, the definition of ladder /ˈladər/ is a structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something, a vertical strip of unraveled fabric in tights or stockings; a run.

In verb form, the definition of ladder /ˈladər/ is (with reference to tights or stockings) develop or cause to develop a run.

How to use the word ladder in a sentence?

Here are 21 examples of sentences using the word ladder in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. I will borrow a wooden ladder from them.
  2. We will make a wooden ladder from Meranti wood.
  3. Karmila is happy to see your folding ladder.
  4. How is the condition of your ladder at home?
  5. Mr. Joko is learning how they make a wooden ladder.
  6. Your folding iron ladder is solid.
  7. Please put this folding ladder away from the house!
  8. As shown in the picture, Mr. Budiman will make a folding ladder with an A shape.
  9. Samsul will fix the lamp using your iron folding ladder.
  10. Tiara told me, so I remembered to take care of their ladder.
  11. How much does a two-meter folding ladder cost on the shopee marketplace?
  12. Be careful when using a folding ladder to repair your home's lights!
  13. There are several categories of work or renovation ladders.
  14. Single pole ladders are a type of single ladder whose shape and length are fixed and cannot be changed.
  15. Extension ladders are a type of ladder that can be extended or raised.
  16. The advantage of the telescopic type ladder is that it is more concise, making it easy to carry and saving storage space.
  17. Step ladders are folding ladders that can stand up on their own.
  18. Three essential points can be used as a reference or guideline when buying a ladder.
  19. Adjust the height of the ladder you choose for your work area.
  20. Choose a solid ladder to hold your load.
  21. The safety latch is a feature to lock and keep your ladder from changing.

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