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Mention three things that became the factors or background of the 1st Gulf War from 1980 to 1988?

 Mention three things that became the factors or background of the 1st Gulf War from 1980 to 1988?

Three things that became the background of the 1st Gulf War or the Iraq-Iran war in 1980-1988 are as follows:

  1. The Iraqi government was worried about the expansion of the influence of the Iranian revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini where Imam Khomeini succeeded in defeating or overthrowing the Pahlavi Reza dynasty in 1979
  2. The Iraqi government unilaterally canceled the agreement with Iran, namely the Algier agreement, which contained joint control of the oil-rich Shat el Arab region.
  3. Saddam Husein's government wanted to return to the area that the Babylonian empire in the past had in control.

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