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22 Example sentences with the word social media and Its Definition

What does the word social media mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in noun form, the definition of social media /ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/ is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

How to use the word social media in a sentence?

Here are 22 examples of sentences with the word social media. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below :

  1. They always use social media to sell.
  2. Do you have experience advertising and selling on social media?
  3. Be careful when using social media on the Internet.
  4. Diana is one of the successful people in marketing on social media.
  5. Abdillah continuously learns recitation on YouTube's social media.
  6. Is social media the best for our children's education?
  7. Social media can plunge and save sons our daughters.
  8. My mother allows me to play on social media.
  9. Tik tok social media has got millions of users in Asia.
  10. What do you think about social media on Instagram?
  11. Social media Instagram is a social media that promotes photos and videos to interact with its members.
  12. Facebook was the first social media that emerged in the 2000s.
  13. What's App is a social media that replaces text messages via SMS?
  14. Telegram is a social media created in Russia.
  15. Companies that create and manage social media generate billions of dollars annually.
  16. Facebook social media now offers a local marketplace that all users can access.
  17. He will sell his house on social media and Facebook and advertise it.

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