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24 Examples of a Sentence with the Pronoun We

What Do We Mean?

In pronoun form, the definition of We // is used by a speaker to refer to themselves and one or more people considered together; It was used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, a writer, or an editor to refer to themself.

24 Examples of a Sentence with the Pronoun We

The following are 24 examples of a sentence with the pronoun We in English; if you have any questions, please write them in the comment column below.

  1. We are the people who are expected to be able to do community service on the day.
  2. We are ordered to attend the morning assembly on Monday. 
  3. We will go to the mosque at 5 pm.
  4. We will play ball with them on Sunday.
  5. Do we need to help apply at his house?
  6. We can design a house for them without making a house design for them.
  7. Sri will ensure we can be invited to the 17 August competition next year.
  8. We need Rp 2,000,000 per head to buy a Lion Air flight ticket to Surabaya.
  9. We are afraid when we are alone going to the city.
  10. I am happy to see that we will visit our production site in the village.
  11. They need to learn that we have prepared very well for his arrival.
  12. We are good table tennis players.
  13. We are newsmakers from Aceh.
  14. We will play table tennis there.
  15. Will we be your best friend?
  16. We will not lie to you.
  17. We will serve ads on your website
  18. Are we allowed to visit your mosque
  19. No, we are not allowed to play at Tamara's house.
  20. We are not allowed to play football on the school field
  21. We will be a good friend to you
  22. Why are we not allowed to enter this school?
  23. We will visit your house tomorrow
  24. We will not kick the ball into your home again.

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