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20 Examples of multiple-choice Perlak Kingdom questions and their answers

The following are 20 examples of multiple-choice Perlak Kingdom questions and their answers, the example questions are equipped with an answer key at the bottom of the question, but we recommend that you do the questions as best you can and then look at the answer key at the bottom of the question, you can also send ask us about your questions or questions via the send a question form, if you have any questions please write them in the comments column below:

20 Examples of multiple-choice Perlak Kingdom questions and their answers

Have a great time doing it!

1) Where is the Perlak Kingdom located?

a. West Sumatra b. Aceh

c. West Java d. East Java

2) What is the main commodity of the Perlak Kingdom that is famous internationally?

a. Rice b. Coffee

c. Nickel d. Pepper

3) What is the name of the cleric who spread Islam in North Sumatra until it became the Perlak Kingdom?

a. Sheikh Abdullah Arif b. Sheikh Abdus Samad

c. Maulana Maghreb d. Fatahillah

4) What was the name of the first sultan of the Perlak kingdom?

a. Sheikh Abdullah Arif b. Young Sultan Iskandar

c. Sultan Alaiddin Syah d. Sultan Sulaiman bin Abdullah

5) In what year was the Perlak kingdom divided into two parts?

a. 865 AD b. 904 AD

c. 936 AD d. 956 AD

6) Who was the leader of the Shia coastal kingdom of Perlak in 986 AD?

a. Sultan Alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah

b. Sultan Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim Shah Johan Sovereign

c. Sultan Alauddin Syah

d. Sultan Sulaiman bin Abdullah

7) What was the name of the kingdom that attacked the Perlak kingdom in 986 AD?

a. Majapahit

b. Kediri

c. Srivijaya

d. Pasundan

8) What was the name of the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia?

a. Demak Kingdom

b. Aceh Kingdom

c. Banjar Kingdom

d. Perlak Kingdom

9) The term perlak comes from the name?

a. Wood tree

b. Medicinal plants

c. Mining results

d. Fish

10) Which ancient manuscript explains the Perlak kingdom?

a. Book of Bustanus Salatin

b. Idharul Haq book

c. Majmu fatawa book

d. Ulya's Book of Tauhid

11) What was the name of the Islamic kingdom that replaced the Perlak kingdom in North Sumatra?

a. Srivijaya Kingdom

b. Demak Kingdom

c. Samudra Pasai Kingdom

d. Kalinga Kingdom

12) Sultan Aladdin Syed Maulana Abdul Syah's term of office was...

a. 889-912 AD

b. 860-864 AD

c. 1268-1293 AD

d. 1267-1292 AD

13) The strategic location of the Perlak kingdom caused Perlak to

  a. Become an agricultural kingdom

  b. Becomes the center of maritime trade in North Sumatra

  c. Making Perlak the center of conflict in North Sumatra

  d. Making Perlak an educational center

14) Relics of the Perlak kingdom that still exist today...

a. Perlak Sultanate Mosque

b. Ships of the Perlak Sultanate

c. Perlak Sultanate Cannon

d. Perlak royal seal

15) How did the Perlak Kingdom begin?

a. There was a missionary group from Mecca, Saudi Arabia who came to Perlak and then married a descendant of Perlak royalty named Tansyir Dewi who then gave birth to Muslim descendants who founded the Perlak kingdom.

b. There was a change from Buddhism to Islam by the population itself, giving birth to Islamic descendants

c. There were Buddhist teachings in the Perlak kingdom and then they converted to Islam themselves

d. The king automatically converted to Islam and changed the Perlak kingdom to Islam

16) What currency was used in the Perlak kingdom?

a. Dollar b. Rupiah

c. Dirham (Gold) d. Riyal

17) Which of the following is not a legacy of the Perlak kingdom?

a. Royal seal b. Perlak currency

c. Tomb of King Benoa d. Sultanate Ship

18) Which of the following is not a type of currency used in the Perlak kingdom?

a. Money made from gold or dirhams b. Money from silver or Kupang

c. Paper money d. Money made of copper or brass

19) What was the name of the kingdom that united itself with the Perlak kingdom in the 13th century?

a. Samudra Pasai Kingdom b. Srivijaya Kingdom

c. Demak Kingdom d. Kalinga Kingdom

20) During whose era did the Perlak kingdom experience its heyday?

a. Sultan Alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah

b. Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Ibrahim

c. Sultan Alauddin Syah

d. Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amin II

Answer Key to Examples of Multiple Choice Questions For The Perlak Kingdom

  1. B) Aceh
  2. D) Pepper
  3. A) Sheikh Abdullah Arif
  4. C) Sultan Alauddin Syah
  5. D) 956 AD
  6. A) Sultan Alaiddin Syed Maulana Shah
  7. C) Srivijaya
  8. D) Perlak Kingdom
  9. A) Wood trees
  10. B) The book of idharul haq
  11. C) Samudra Pasai Kingdom
  12. B) 860-864 AD
  13. B) Become the center of maritime trade in North Sumatra
  14. D) Perlak royal seal
  15. A) There was a missionary group from Mecca, Saudi Arabia who came to Perlak and then married a descendant of Perlak royalty named Tansyir Dewi and then gave birth to Muslim descendants who founded the Perlak kingdom
  16. C) Dirham (Gold)
  17. D) Sultanate ships
  18. C) Paper money
  19. A) Samudra Pasai Kingdom
  20. D) Sultan Makhdum Alaiddin Malik Muhammad Amin II

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