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20 Example sentences using the word Insect and Its definition

 What does the word insect mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of the insect is a small arthropod animal that has six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings.

How to use the word insect in a sentence?

Here are 20 example sentences using the word insect in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. Frogs approach our homes because they will eat insects that fly near the house.
  2. Bees are a type of insect that can be cultivated and its honey is taken.
  3. Insects reproduce by laying eggs.
  4. Fadan is drawing an insect called the Apis Cerana honey bee in his drawing book.
  5. Fireflies are a type of insect that can emit light and are active at night.
  6. Butterflies are a type of insect that undergoes a metamorphosis process.
  7. Insect body parts are divided into three parts, namely the thorax, abdomen, and head.
  8. Insects use light as their navigation.
  9. At night, insects usually approach the lights in our homes that are on.
  10. Artificial light attracts insects to circle the light source and becomes easy prey for predators.
  11. Insect attacks such as mosquitoes can cause malaria or dengue fever.
  12. They use mosquito nets to cover their beds from insects at night.
  13. In the past, my grandmother cooked insects such as laron to make peanut brittle.
  14. Ladybugs are small and beautiful insects that help farmers get rid of pests in the fields.
  15. Ladybugs are a type of predatory insect that eats mites, aphids, leafhoppers, and other small pests.
  16. Refugia can function as a shelter for insects such as ladybugs to deal with natural pests in the fields.
  17. A convict has died from being eaten by insects and bed bugs in the United States.
  18. Insects such as crickets and grasshoppers are very delicious food for orioles and Long-tailed Shrike birds.
  19. Tomcat insect attacks have occurred in Pakuwon City apartments, Surabaya City
  20. Tomcat is a type of insect that has a strong enough sting and can cause pain.

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