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23 Example sentences using the word Goat and Its definition

 What does the word goat mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of the goat is an animal with horns and a coat of hair, that lives wild in mountain areas or is kept on farms for its milk or meat

How to use the word goat in a sentence?

Here are 23 example sentences using the word goat in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. A farmer sells his three goats in the market.
  2. He could become a millionaire from the results of writing a novel titled Goat.
  3. Farida is watching the goat fattening process on YouTube.
  4. My favorite food is grilled goat meat.
  5. They succeeded in the sale of goats.
  6. Why are you afraid of goat manure?
  7. We saw seven goats grazing in the field.
  8. My son is happy to see the goats eating in Pak Wildan's cage.
  9. Don't mosquitoes bite goats at night?
  10. At the age of 1-2 years, goats can be sacrificed or sold.
  11. Muhaimin was able to study the goat livestock he practiced.
  12. Tie the goat with a very strong rope.
  13. Mr. Ahmad was assigned to slaughter a goat at the Darussalam Mosque.
  14. We like to consume goat satay.
  15. How much do 10 goat cost in Kediri?
  16. 10 skewers of goat satay in Kediri for around IDR 25,000.
  17. Farida's mother ordered curry and goat satay for her son's celebration.
  18. From the proceeds of selling goat meat, he can glorify his three children.
  19. Do goats always eat grass?
  20. Female goats can produce delicious milk.
  21. Goats reproduce by giving birth.
  22. Mother goats raise their young by breastfeeding.
  23. How do goats reproduce?

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