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25 Example sentences using the word Cat and Its definition

 What does the word cat mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of the cat is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur, a short snout, and retractable claws. It is widely kept as a pet or for catching mice, and many breeds have been developed.

In the verb form, the definition of the cat is raising (an anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead.

How to use the word cat in a sentence?

Here are 25 example sentences using the word cat in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. Bambang saw a black cat fighting against a yellow cat.
  2. Fadan feeds the cat with one salted fish.
  3. He was surprised by the arrival of a big black cat in his house.
  4. Fitria can pay for her studies by making videos about cats.
  5. How much does one Persian cat cost?
  6. According to Mr. Budi, cats are agile animals and easy to care for.
  7. Two male cats fighting on the roof of the house and the sound is very noisy.
  8. They created a buying and selling forum for Angora cats on Facebook.
  9. I saw a cat sleeping on the sofa.
  10. The price of a Persian cat can reach millions of rupiah.
  11. We are amazed by the Persian cat that has beautiful and dense fur.
  12. Cats are animals that are easy to maintain.
  13. Cats can poop themselves and close it.
  14. The cat's tail serves as a balance for the cat.
  15. We can't bear to see them slaughtering cats and eating them.
  16. They bought cat food with a mouse.
  17. My cat can be fed fried rice or raw fish.
  18. You don't need to buy a whiskas for my cat.
  19. A cat meowing in front of the house asking for food.
  20. The yellow cat always follows its master wherever he goes.
  21. They kept the cat that were dumped in the trash.
  22. For cat lovers, Aditya is the right example to encourage them to have cats.
  23. The wild black cat clawed at almost everyone who passed in front of it.
  24. A tense cat's tail is a sign that he is happy with you.
  25. How do cats find their food in the wild?

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