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21 Example sentences using the word Pigeon and Its definition

 What does the word pigeon mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of the pigeon is a stout seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice, typically having gray and white plumage.

How to use the word pigeon in a sentence?

Here are 21 example sentences using the word pigeon in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. Ardian keeps four pigeons at his house.
  2. Pigeons are docile birds and easy to care for.
  3. Four young people were playing pigeons in the middle of the city.
  4. In the past, in the kingdom era, pigeons could carry letters that we sent to other people.
  5. How much does a pair of pigeons cost on the Tokopedia marketplace?
  6. Muhammad Feri held a money contest worth IDR 30,000,000 for those who could find his pigeon.
  7. I saw a pigeon making a nest out of twigs and leaves to lay its eggs.
  8. The sound of the pigeons chirping in the morning is very melodious and warms the morning atmosphere.
  9. Muharrik was asked by his teacher to draw a pigeon in his drawing book.
  10. He colored the pigeon he drew white.
  11. We feed the pigeon birds with raw corn.
  12. Feeding the pigeon birds is a fun activity in the afternoon.
  13. Our village will hold a pigeon racing competition in the village field on Sunday afternoon.
  14. Pigeons were able to quickly convey important messages between bases or across enemy lines.
  15. The pigeon is credited with being able to save thousands of human lives by sending an important message to my friend policy.
  16. Cher Ami's pigeon was shot in the chest and remained able to fly for 25 minutes to complete her mission and save the lives of 194 stranded soldiers.
  17. Cher Ami's pigeon delivered 12 important messages to the United States military during World War I.
  18. The captain of the sinking ship released a pigeon to bring a rescue message to the ship's members.
  19. Trained pigeons can find stranded people and alert rescuers to visit them.
  20. The pigeon was able to find its way back to its home even 1300 miles away.
  21. Pigeons emit a white liquid like milk.

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