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21 Example sentences using the word Frog and Its definition

 What does the word frog mean?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, In the noun form, the definition of the frog is a tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping.

In the verb form, the definition of the frog is hunt for or catch frogs.

How to use the word frog in a sentence?

Here are 21 example sentences using the word frog in English. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

  1. The sound of frogs shouted when the rain came.
  2. I saw a frog eating a grasshopper.
  3. Frogs are used to making nests in stagnant places.
  4. A black snake is chasing frogs in the fields.
  5. Fatimah's mother told her child to chase away the frogs that entered the house.
  6. Cleaning frog hiding places such as tall grass can make frogs leave the house.
  7. A python swallowed a frog alive.
  8. Frogs can live in two realms.
  9. When frogs lay eggs, the eggs can reach thousands.
  10. Over time the frog eggs will hatch and turn velvety.
  11. Bambang was ordered by the teacher to draw a frog.
  12. They are hunting frogs for their pet food.
  13. In shallow water, frogs drink silently while their mouths open to let water into their mouth cavity.
  14. Some frog species can also drink water through their skin and eyes.
  15. A Brazilian tree frog burrows into a sapodilla flower.
  16. The Brazilian tree frog is a type of amphibian that helps pollinate plants.
  17. Adding a fake frog predator can repel frogs so they won't come inside your house.
  18. Indonesian soldier has a frog battalion who are ready to fight.
  19. We are disappointed with our boss who is slow in making decisions he is like a frog in a shell.
  20. Several green frogs swim freely on the edge of Lake Toba.
  21. Frogs undergo metamorphosis from eggs then become velvety then become young frogs and finally become adult frogs.

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