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How to set tabulation spacing in MS Word 2021

 What is meant by tabulation?

The meaning tabulation is an arrangement according to the available columns; presentation of data in the form of tables or lists to facilitate observation and evaluation; MS word 2021 is equipped with a feature to adjust the tabulation spacing of your document.

How to set tabulation spacing in MS Word 2021?

Before you set the tabulation distance, make sure the measurement unit uses units of measurement that you are familiar with, such as cm or mm, not inches or feet.

Follow the steps below to set tab or tab spacing in MS Word 2021.

  1. On the home page, click the paragraph dialog launcher
  2. After the paragraph dialog box appears, click the tabs in the lower left corner
    How to set tabulation spacing in MS Word 2021

  3. The tabs dialog box appears. Enter the tabulation unit you want, for example, 1.5 cm or 2 cm
  4. Click Sets
  5. Click OK.
    How to set tabulation spacing in MS Word 2021

So every time you press the tab or tab key, it will make a distance of 1.4 cm or 2 cm from the starting point. This tutorial is on adjusting tab spacing or tabulation in MS Word 2021. Even if you are using the MS Word version below 2021, the setting method is not much different from MS Word 2021 above. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below.

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