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20 Example sentences with the word Cloudy and Its definition

 What does the word cloudy mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in adjective form, the definition of cloudy /ˈkloudē/ is (of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds; overcast. (of a liquid) not transparent or clear.

How to use the word cloudy in a sentence?

Here are 20 examples of sentences with the word cloudy. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below :

  1. Why are you still determined to go to school even though it's cloudy?
  2. Cloudy can be white or black.
  3. Don't go to the rice fields when cloudy is in the sky!
  4. A bolt of lightning shot out from the cloudy sky.
  5. Katrina likes to go to the sun when it's cloudy.
  6. When it's cloudy, the sunlight dims, and the atmosphere becomes gloomy.
  7. Budiman says nothing is more enjoyable than drinking hot tea when the weather is cloudy.
  8. We're reading an article about recommended breakfast menus for cloudy weather.
  9. What prayers are read when the sky is cloudy?
  10. Hot mung bean porridge is very suitable when the weather is cloudy.
  11. Even though the weather was cloudy, he still took his son to school.
  12. Jakarta has the potential for light rain and cloudy skies throughout the day.
  13. The weather may be cloudy, but the joint stock price infection is unstoppable.
  14. It is estimated that some cloudy areas surround the Surabaya area. 
  15. Today's weather in the Kudus district will be cloudy from this morning. 
  16. The weather for the Southeast Sulawesi region is cloudy, with the potential for heavy rain.
  17. Cloudy weather can last for several hours or up to days.
  18. I do hope the following day was cloudy.
  19. Why this the pond water is slightly cloudy?
  20. He could not see the sun through the cloudy sky.

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