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20 Example Sentences with the word Record and Its Definition

 What does the word record mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in noun form, the definition of Record /ˈrekərd/ is a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form, the sum of the past achievements or actions of a person or organization; a person or thing's previous conduct or performance.

In verb form, the definition of Record /ˈrekərd/ is set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, especially officially, converted (sound or a performance) into permanent form for later reproduction.

Here are 20 examples of sentences with the word record. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. Budiman continuously records his schoolwork in his book.
  2. Fatimah will record all the necessities to go to Surabaya next week.
  3. The lecturer told us to record the material he presented this afternoon.
  4. The cashier is recording today's sales.
  5. Do they record an inventory of the items in the office?
  6. Katrina records that the new students in their class have achieved complete victory.
  7. We will record what he conveyed at the meeting next time.
  8. He continuously records the statistics of the ball game with great care.
  9. How to record the words of a good lecturer?
  10. Why didn't you record what the lecturer said earlier?
  11. The teacher told the children to record their needs for learning at school.
  12. If you can record, it will be easy to learn what you need.
  13. This white book is suitable for recording all your needs while at school.
  14. Use a black pencil to record on a white book.
  15. She will record her husband's harsh words to her next month.
  16. When you record, you are repeating what your teacher said.
  17. This record will make you better than the other.
  18. Mrs. Samsul continuously records all students who ordered batik uniforms for school.
  19. You can record what he says using technology such as a smartphone.
  20. The runner has set a new record at the national level race.

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