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23 Example Sentences with the word Ear and Its Definition

 What does the word ear mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in noun form, the definition of ear /ir/ is the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.

Here are 23 examples of sentences with the word ear. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. Can your ears still hear well?
  2. How about this ear?
  3. His ears are reddish due to insect stings.
  4. Mr. Budiman tweaked his son's ear because it was crowded at the mosque.
  5. Elephants are animals that have big ears.
  6. How can we make our ears strong to accept trials from the teacher?
  7. A mosquito flies above your ear.
  8. Mr. Budiman drew the ears of a rabbit playing in the garden.
  9. The ear is a hearing organ that is very important to be cared for and cared for.
  10. I constantly clean my ears once a week.
  11. Use a soft cotton bud to clean the dirt in your ears.
  12. His ears hurt because he often uses the headset.
  13. We saw a wireless headset hanging on his right ear.
  14. Don't use a headset in your ear at home because your parents will call you.
  15. A healthy ear can carry out normal functions such as a sense of hearing and can maintain body balance.
  16. Did you know that there is a commemoration of Ear Health Day?
  17. Fatmawati is studying the anatomy of the human ear and its functions in the biology laboratory.
  18. Where is the eardrum in the picture?
  19. They taught us how to clean hardened earwax.
  20. Bu Sastro wears jewelry on her right and left ears.
  21. This 200,000 worth headset is considered comfortable to use in your ear.
  22. He started to hurt when a cockroach got into his ear
  23. Mr. Budiono teaches how to get water out of the ear when finished swimming.

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