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28 Example Sentences with the word Curtain and Its Definition

What does the word Curtain mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in noun form, the definition of curtain /ˈkərtn/ is a piece of material suspended at the top to form a covering or screen, typically one of a pair at a window, 

in verb form, the definition of curtain /ˈkərtn/ is to provide a curtain or curtains.

Here are 28 examples of sentences with the word curtain. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. I will buy brown curtains.
  2. The girl opens the curtains of her room every morning.
  3. Curtains are one type of home interior decoration.
  4. Bamboo is one of the materials used to make curtains.
  5. Curtains are generally made of Polyester.
  6. The thicker and darker the color of the curtains, the less sunlight will enter.
  7. The thinner the curtain material, the more sunlight will enter the room.
  8. We are learning how to make a waterproof shower curtain.
  9. They are studying the love motif thread curtain promo.
  10. A set of curtains sells for IDR 200,000 online.
  11. Curtains can function as a divider to separate the two rooms.
  12. You must purchase a pair of curtain rails with your curtain rod.
  13. The presence of room curtains will make you feel more comfortable.
  14. He is a curtain maker from Bandung.
  15. They are professional curtain traders from Java.
  16. We observe how to make curtains there.
  17. We have bought new curtains from Turkey.
  18. They are not going to buy curtains online.
  19. Sulaiman is studying the production process of making curtains at our place.
  20. A cultural carnival will be held regarding curtain creations.
  21. Samsul is looking for curtains with bamboo motifs from Jakarta.
  22. Please show us about the high-quality curtain products in your place.
  23. How much does the curtain cost per sheet in your shop?
  24. Salisa will not imitate your company's curtain motif.
  25. Ahmad is a curtain craftsman from Manado.
  26. How is the economic condition in the country of the bamboo curtain?
  27. The teacher told me to order roller curtain online.
  28. The public prefers brown bedroom window curtains.

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