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27 Example Sentence with the word Sky and Its Definition

 What does the word sky mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in the noun form, the definition of sky /skī/ is the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth.

Here are 27 examples of sentences with the word sky. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. This building reaches sky high.
  2. What animal is crawling in the sky of the house?
  3. The beggar used to sleep under the sky outside the house.
  4. They were happy to see the sight of firecrackers in the sky.
  5. You will find many skyscrapers in Jakarta.
  6. The stratosphere and the troposphere are the sky's layers covering the earth.
  7. A flock of starlings can paint the sky in a community.
  8. It is not expected to rain today because the sky is clear.
  9. Hundreds of stars shone in the night sky.
  10. There are no clouds in the sky.
  11. Dark clouds moved slowly across the sky.
  12. The sky in the morning is like beautiful, clean blue porcelain.
  13. We could see hundreds of sparkling stars in the sky.
  14. The sun seemed higher in the sky.
  15. White clouds gathered in the sky.
  16. We sleep under the open sky.
  17. The sky is decorated with various stars.
  18. The sky turned black as a storm approached.
  19. The rainbow shines brightly in the sky of our village.
  20. When I look up at the sky, I see your face.
  21. Now the sky is apparent so that you can go quietly.
  22. Our plane has been in the sky since 10 minutes ago.
  23. Can you give me a novel about the beauty of the sky on the island of Borneo?
  24. We witnessed a beautiful sky view at the eastern tip of the island of Java.
  25. What causes the sky to be blue?
  26. Hang your dreams as high as the sky.
  27. Even though there was no rain from the sky, floods still hit the Madura area.

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