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23 Example Sentences with the word Head and Its Definition

 What does the word head mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in noun form, the definition of head /hed/ is the upper part of the human body or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs, a thing resembling a head either in form or in relation to a whole.

In verb form, the definition of head /hed/ is to be in the leading position on, give a title or caption to.

Here are 23 examples of sentences with the word head. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. My head is hurting.
  2. He took a picture of my head.
  3. She raised her hand above your head.
  4. Your head is like a European head.
  5. Why did you hit my son's head?
  6. He headed the ball with his head.
  7. We'll use our heads to score goals.
  8. They say that their head hurts on the right.
  9. A ping pong ball accidentally flew into his head.
  10. Abdillah realized that his head was bleeding.
  11. Cover your head using this cloth hat.
  12. You look more handsome with a black skullcap on your head.
  13. Long black hair adorned Tamara's head.
  14. My son's head hurts after being hit by a tennis ball on the court.
  15. He saw the cat rubbing its head on the door.
  16. We saw red snapper heads being sold in the shop.
  17. Do you like to eat beef head meatballs?
  18. Cow's head is excellent to eat in the form of meatballs.
  19. We've seen people burn a goat's head in their kitchen.
  20. Please save this cow's head for your family.
  21. Tamara is teaching us how to season fish heads.
  22. He likes to eat fish heads that are seasoned and spicy.
  23. Farida didn't realize that the head of the service was behind her chair.

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