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35 Example Sentences with the word "How" and Its Definition

What does How mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, In the adverb form, the Definition of How /hou/ is in what way or manner; by what means—used to ask about the condition or quality of something.

35 Example Sentences with the word "How" and Its Definition

Here are 35 examples of sentences with the word "How." If you have any questions, please ask via the consultation form above.

  1. How do you grow orchids on the walls of the house?
  2. We need to learn how to grow orchids on the house's walls.
  3. Fadlan knows how to plant orchids on trees and walls of houses.
  4. Try asking Fadlan how to cook good rice.
  5. How to make ginger honey egg milk or STMJ properly? 
  6. They know how the process of making tables and chairs there.
  7. We need to find out how cartoons are made in your location.
  8. They need to learn how to grow a good rose.
  9. Do you know how to grow good flowers?  
  10. How do we keep our bodies from getting tired after the vaccine? 
  11. How can we get to Surabaya this afternoon? 
  12. How to make our flights smooth and safe? 
  13. You know how the condition of the Lion Air JT 727 plane is now 
  14. Do you know how the need of the passengers on the Lion Air JT 27 plane? 
  15. How to watch children's video games on a Xiaomi smartphone? 
  16. How to make an android app by using android studio? 
  17. Does he know how to build apps with Android Studio? 
  18. He needs to learn how to build apps using android studio.
  19. Do you know how to create image designs with Photoshop CS6?
  20. We need to learn how to make drawing designs with Corel Draw X3.
  21. I'm sure Fadlan knows how to create designs using the Canva app.
  22. How does the milk I have made Anisa taste? 
  23. How is your homework now? 
  24. How is the Booster vaccination process in the hospital? 
  25. How can I be accepted at your school? 
  26. How is Tarakan city now? 
  27. How to make a nice toilet like in the video? 
  28. Like in the video, I need to learn how to make a good toilet.
  29. How is the queuing process at the Tarakan general hospital at this time? 
  30. How are the teaching and learning activities at the current school, Mr. Rahman? 
  31. Mr. Rachman does not know how the condition of the student who was hit by the wall yesterday was made.
  32. Do they know how the delivery process is carried out at Pertamina Tarakan Hospital?
  33. Do you know how the healing process of surgery after the wound healing process after surgery? 
  34. How does it feel after being given the Booster P-Fizer vaccine? 
  35. How can we pass the SMPN 6 PTN exams on their campuses?

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