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21 Example Sentences with the word "Cast" and Its Definition

What does cast mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, In the verb form, the Definition of Cast /kast/ causes (light or shadow) to appear on a surface, register (a vote).

In the noun form, the Definition of Cast /kast/ is an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold, an act of throwing something forcefully.

21 Example Sentences with the word "Cast" and Its Definition

Here are 21 examples of sentences with the word "Cast." If you have any questions, please ask via the consultation form above.

  1. Who is the cast on soap operas on Indosiar?
  2. Now I want to know the name of the cast.
  3. The moon cast a soft ray over the bungalows.
  4. He cast dirt on my house.
  5. We saw Fadilah cast a sharp look at me.
  6. citizens twisted out in document numbers to cast their voices
  7. I want you to cast us a sweet smile. 
  8. Bronze casts of the statue.
  9. There why did you cast it so hard?
  10. Benjamin seized a javelin for a third cast.
  11. We've seen that you cast the ball right at them.
  12. She cast this cat in my house.
  13. Why do you cast this method?
  14. He has cast this ball at your player.
  15. Why did he cast the ball at my player 
  16. He won't cast money on the ground tomorrow.
  17. Abdul has put a plaster cast on his feet. 
  18. Thiago is putting a plaster cast on his broken hand. 
  19. Has he put a plaster cast on his broken hand? 
  20.  No. They need to cast water to put out the fire in the burning house.
  21. How do you get your cast to be the fastest in this place? 

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