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23 Example Sentences with "Mango" and Its Definition.

 What does mango mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, In Noun form, the Definition of mango /ˈmaNGɡō/ is a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys, the evergreen Indian tree of the cashew family that bears the mango, widely cultivated in the tropics.

23 Example Sentences with "Mango" and Its Definition.

Here are 23 examples of sentences with "Mango." If you have any questions, please write them in the comment column below

  1. Many traders complained about the fall in mango prices in November this year.
  2. Mr. Khoiri will plant any mangoes behind the house.
  3. Have you ever eaten mango podang?
  4. According to the trade minister, mango can become Indonesia's main commodity in international trade.
  5. Mrs. Dian will cut your mango tree branches that disturb road users.
  6. Podang mango fruit, when ripe, is reddish yellow.
  7. We once ate a very fragrant mango called mango kweni.
  8. This kweni mango is an endemic plant in the North Kalimantan area.
  9. Looking at the seeds, mango is a dicotyledonous or monocotyledonous plant.
  10. Mango trees usually have thick leaves and strong twigs.
  11. The sap of the mango tree is usually firm, and when it hits clothes, it is difficult to remove.
  12. Mango trees can be propagated by using grafts and seeds.
  13. We saw Mr. Ahmad transplanting a mango tree in front of the school.
  14. The shape of the mango is generally slightly oval, resembling the form of a kidney or bean.
  15. The skin of the mango kweni is soft, smooth, and fragrant.
  16. The Carabao Mango from the Philippines is the sweetest in the world.
  17. The Mango pancake recipe is the main breakfast menu during the mango season.
  18. At night, while you sleep, the intake of antioxidants from mangoes will work more optimally against lousy cholesterol in the body.
  19. We are studying the recipe for mango lassi, a fresh mango drink from India.
  20. Governor Khofifah told people to try red mango in Situbondo, East Java.
  21. Most young mangoes are made with rujak cingur, which is very delicious.
  22. The vitamin K in mangoes helps in effective blood clotting and prevents anemia.
  23. Mango arumanis, mango golek, and mango apple are my three favorite types of mangoes.

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