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21 Example Sentences with Outside and Its Definition

 What does outside mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in the adjective form, the Definition of outside /ˈoutsīd/ is situated on or near the exterior or external surface of something. Not belonging to or coming from within a particular group.

In the preposition form, the Definition of outside /ˈoutsīd/ is situated or moving beyond the boundaries or confines of, beyond the limits or scope of.

In the noun form, the Definition of outside /ˈoutsīd/ is the external side or surface of something, the external appearance of someone or something.

In the adverb form, the Definition of outside /ˈoutsīd/ is not within the boundaries or confines of a place.

21 Example Sentences with Outside and Its Definition

Here are 21 examples of sentences with outside. If you have any questions, please ask via the consultation form above.

  1. The three of them are ready outside the classroom, waiting for you.
  2. Do not kick the ball outside the school fence.
  3. I see your cat is guarding outside your house.
  4. Sabrina believes she doesn't need to be outside the house waiting for you.
  5. Rizqia saw coconuts falling outside the classroom.
  6. A mango tree fell right outside the school walls.
  7. Whose cat is hanging around outside the 10th grade?
  8.  Please do it outside of class—those who still need to do their homework.
  9. You can develop well outside the city.
  10. Mr. Baidhowi was ordered to stand guard outside the hut this evening.
  11. Sorry, Mr. Kyai is outside the Islamic boarding school at this time.
  12. Outside the house, I see the wind blowing very hard.
  13. Who will be on guard waiting outside the house?
  14. What is the condition of cities outside Java?
  15. The development of the central government should pay attention to those outside Java.
  16. The free kick does not count because it is outside the goal.
  17. We saw many people demonstrating outside the company's fence.
  18. Samsul has ordered that you should stay outside the house.
  19. They are outside my reach.
  20. The halal logo is displayed on the outside of the packaging.
  21. Who dares to tell the truth, then it's better not to sit outside the classroom.

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